
In today’s complex tax environment, understanding how to maximise your hard-earned money is more important than ever. Our team of experienced advisers at Apex CB provide bespoke tax planning advice suited to your individual needs.

Inheritance Tax Planning, Tax-free Savings, High Earners

Tax Planning

In today’s complex tax environment, understanding how to maximise your hard-earned money is more important than ever. Our team of experienced advisers at Apex CB provide bespoke tax planning advice suited to your individual needs.

Inheritance Tax Planning

Inheritance tax may impact the wealth you wish to pass onto your loved ones. We can help you navigate the intricate UK inheritance tax laws, ensure your estate is effectively structured, and potentially save your beneficiaries from a significant tax bill.

Tax-free Savings

Utilising tax-efficient saving vehicles can help you make the most of your wealth. We provide guidance on ISA contributions, tax-free savings accounts and other tax-efficient options tailored to your unique financial situation.

High Earners

High earners often face complex tax situations. Our experts can help manage your income effectively, advising on pension contributions, tax-efficient investments, and other strategies to optimise your after-tax income.

Your Goal

Your financial security and the legacy you leave for your loved ones are paramount. To achieve these goals, you need a comprehensive tax plan that aligns with your unique circumstances and aspirations.

Our Solution

At Apex CB, we recognize the intricacies of the modern tax landscape and its impact on your financial goals. Our seasoned team of advisors specializes in tailoring tax planning strategies to suit your individual needs. Here’s how we can help you:

1. Inheritance Tax Expertise: Inheritance tax considerations can significantly affect the wealth you intend to pass on to your family. Our experts are well-versed in navigating the complexities of UK inheritance tax laws. We meticulously structure your estate to minimize tax liabilities, ensuring that your beneficiaries receive the maximum benefits without the burden of unnecessary taxes.

2. Tax-Efficient Savings Optimization: Your wealth can flourish when strategically managed through tax-efficient saving vehicles. Apex CB is dedicated to helping you make the most of your resources. We offer personalized guidance on contributing to Individual Savings Accounts (ISAs), exploring tax-free savings accounts, and tailoring other tax-efficient options to your financial profile.

3. Empowering High Earners: High-earning individuals often face intricate tax challenges. Our team is equipped to manage your income efficiently. We provide expert advice on optimizing pension contributions, exploring tax-efficient investments, and implementing strategies to enhance your post-tax income. With our guidance, you can navigate the complexities of your financial situation with confidence.

By entrusting your tax planning to Apex CB, you gain access to our wealth of knowledge and experience. We are committed to aligning our strategies with your aspirations, ensuring that you not only preserve your wealth but also secure a brighter financial future for you and your loved ones.

Wealth Management, Pensions and Retirement Planning, Pension Transfers

Saving & Retirement

Retirement planning is about more than just pensions – it’s about creating a strategy that allows you to enjoy the lifestyle you want when you retire.

Wealth Management

We provide holistic wealth management services that take into account your entire financial picture. We aim to make your money work harder and smarter, through carefully chosen investments, strategic tax planning, and regular financial reviews.

Pensions and Retirement Planning

Our team offers expert advice on the best retirement strategies and pension options for your situation. We’ll help you understand your pension’s value, how it’s performing, and what benefits you could receive in retirement.

Pension Transfers

If you have multiple pension pots or you’re unhappy with your current scheme’s performance, a pension transfer might be beneficial. We can guide you through the process, considering all the implications, to make a decision that best serves your retirement goals.

Your Goal

Achieving a fulfilling retirement is more than just a financial milestone; it’s about realizing your dreams and embracing the lifestyle you envision during your retirement years.

Our Solution

At Apex CB, we understand that retirement planning extends beyond pensions. It’s a comprehensive strategy that paves the way for the retirement you desire. Our integrated wealth management services are designed to optimize your financial landscape, making your hard-earned money work intelligently for you. Here’s how we can help:

1. Holistic Wealth Management: Your financial journey is unique, and our approach reflects that. We take a panoramic view of your financial situation, considering every aspect to create a tailored plan. By selecting meticulously crafted investments, strategic tax planning, and conducting regular financial reviews, we ensure that your wealth not only grows but also aligns with your retirement aspirations.

2. Expert Retirement Guidance: Navigating retirement strategies and pension options can be complex. Our seasoned team of advisors is here to simplify the process for you. We provide expert advice that empowers you to understand your pension’s current value, its performance, and the benefits you stand to receive during your retirement years.

3. Seamless Pension Transfers: Should you possess multiple pension pots or find your current scheme underperforming, a pension transfer might hold potential benefits. Apex CB offers guidance through this intricate process. We assess all implications meticulously, enabling you to make a well-informed decision that seamlessly aligns with your retirement objectives.

By entrusting your retirement planning to Apex CB, you gain a partner dedicated to translating your retirement dreams into reality. Our holistic approach and expert insights ensure that you are equipped to embrace the retirement lifestyle you’ve envisioned.

Life & Critical Illness Insurance, Sickness & Income Replacement Insurance, Private Medical Insurance

Health, Life & Critical Illness Insurance

Protecting yourself and your family from life’s unforeseen circumstances is an integral part of financial planning.

Life & Critical Illness Insurance

Life and critical illness insurance can provide a financial safety net for you and your family. We can guide you in selecting the best policy, ensuring you’re covered in the event of illness or unexpected life events.

Sickness & Income Replacement Insurance

If illness or injury prevents you from working, sickness and income replacement insurance can provide a vital lifeline. We offer expert advice to help you find the right coverage that suits your lifestyle and needs.

Private Medical Insurance

We can guide you in choosing a private medical insurance plan that offers you the healthcare you want, when you need it. Let us help you navigate the choices and ensure you get the best possible cover for your budget.

Your Goal

Safeguarding your future and that of your loved ones is paramount. Protecting against life’s unexpected turns through comprehensive insurance coverage is a crucial aspect of your financial plan.

Our Solution

At Apex CB, we understand that life is full of uncertainties. That’s why we offer tailored solutions to help you secure your well-being and that of your family. Our expertise extends to a range of insurance options that ensure you’re prepared for whatever challenges come your way. Here’s how we can assist you:

1. Life and Critical Illness Coverage: Planning for the unforeseen is an act of responsibility. Our team is here to guide you through selecting the optimal life and critical illness insurance policy. This coverage acts as a financial safety net, providing essential support for you and your family in times of illness or unexpected life events. We ensure that you’re equipped with the right policy to offer protection and peace of mind.

2. Sickness and Income Replacement Insurance: Life’s uncertainties can impact your ability to work. In such instances, sickness and income replacement insurance become vital. Our experts are dedicated to helping you find the perfect coverage that aligns with your lifestyle and requirements. This insurance serves as a lifeline, ensuring that you maintain financial stability even during challenging times.

3. Tailored Private Medical Insurance: Your health and well-being are irreplaceable. Navigating the realm of private medical insurance can be overwhelming, but with Apex CB, you’re not alone. Our guidance enables you to select a private medical insurance plan that suits your needs. We help you explore options and ensure you obtain the best possible coverage within your budget, ensuring that you receive the healthcare you deserve when you need it most.

With Apex CB, your financial future is fortified against the unexpected. Our personalized insurance solutions empower you to face life’s uncertainties with confidence, knowing that you’ve taken the necessary steps to safeguard what matters most.

Wealth Management


Investing is more than just picking stocks and bonds. It’s about creating a strategy that aligns with your life goals.

Wealth Management

At Apex CB, we take a comprehensive approach to wealth management. This includes creating a balanced and diversified portfolio designed to achieve your specific investment goals, whether you’re focused on capital preservation, income generation, growth or a combination of these.

Your Goal

Investing isn’t just about numbers; it’s a means to achieve the life you envision. Your investment strategy should align with your life goals, helping you reach your aspirations.

Our Solution

At Apex CB, we recognize that investing extends beyond mere financial transactions. It’s about crafting a path toward your ambitions. Our approach to wealth management is holistic and meticulous, ensuring that your investments are seamlessly woven into your life goals. Here’s how we can guide you:

1. Tailored Wealth Management: Investing is a personal journey, and your goals are unique. Our team specializes in comprehensive wealth management, developing a balanced and diversified portfolio meticulously tailored to your distinct investment objectives. Whether you seek capital preservation, income generation, growth, or a combination of these, we ensure that your investments align with your aspirations.

By choosing Apex CB, you’re not just selecting investment experts; you’re partnering with professionals dedicated to translating your financial aspirations into tangible outcomes. With our guidance, your investments become a strategic tool to shape the life you envision.