Lasting Power of Attorney

Lasting Power of Attorney

As you enter elderhood, it’s important to plan for the unexpected and ensure that your financial affairs and personal welfare are in capable hands should you become unable to manage them. Establishing a Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) can provide you with peace of mind and ensure that your interests are protected.

What is Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA)?

  • An LPA is a legal document that allows you to appoint one or more trusted individuals, known as attorneys, to make decisions on your behalf in case you become mentally or physically incapable.
  • There are two types of LPA: Property and Financial Affairs LPA, which covers decisions related to your finances and assets, and Health and Welfare LPA, which deals with decisions regarding your health and personal welfare.

Benefits of LPA:

  • Control: You have the ability to choose who will make decisions for you, ensuring your interests and values are upheld.
  • Avoiding Court Proceedings: Without an LPA, if you become unable to make decisions, your loved ones may need to go through the costly and time-consuming process of applying to the Court of Protection.
  • Peace of Mind: Knowing that you have a trusted person in place to make decisions can provide peace of mind for you and your family.

How to Set Up LPA:

  • To establish an LPA, you need to complete the necessary forms and register them with the Office of the Public Guardian in the UK.
  • It’s recommended to seek legal advice when setting up an LPA to ensure it is correctly structured and in compliance with the law.
  • Seeking legal advice is often advisable when setting up an LPA to ensure that the document is comprehensive and legally sound.
  • Our team of experienced legal and financial advisors can provide guidance on the process of creating an LPA and ensure that it aligns with your specific wishes.

If you’re considering establishing a Lasting Power of Attorney to safeguard your interests and financial legacy, our team of legal and financial experts is here to assist. We understand the unique financial needs of individuals in elderhood and can provide tailored solutions to create a robust and legally sound LPA. Contact us today to ensure that your financial affairs and well-being are protected.

Get In Touch With Us

If you like what you have seen on our website, the next step is to get in touch, we offer a free initial discussion with no obligation. You can do this face to face, by phone, or on Skype.

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Apex CB Financial Planning Ltd, Poole

BH16 6HX, Suite 2, Jellicoe House

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